April 6, 2011

Know Your Bully: Kids, Babies and Pitties

I'm Getting a New Puppy - I Need to Rehome the Kids!

OK, maybe that is a little extreme but for those that have raised children around dogs it makes about as much sense as rehoming your dog because you’re expecting a baby. You’ll need to make preparations but the reward is two-fold both to you and to your child. Above all, you’ll be teaching your child an important life lesson through example: the responsibility of commitment, the responsibility of caring for another life and the importance of staying true to that commitment even when things may get a little difficult.

“The Pit Bull has a special fondness for children and a pleased, relaxed look crosses its face when they approach. It can prove to be a safe*, hardy friend that can keep up and put up with the active play life of kids. For a child, no better companion can be found.” Excerpted from: http://www.pitbulllovers.com/pit-bulls-and-human-aggression.html

Growing up with a pet is beneficial to children in many ways. They learn about relationships, compassion, nurturing, loyalty, understanding and a respect for life. Studies indicate that a child who loves and has respect for animals become better adults in the area of love and compassion. They develop a sense of responsibility and connection with nature; kids with dogs spend more time outdoors running, playing, walking/exercising their dogs. Dogs can build self-esteem and social skills in children, improve impulse control and many times can calm a child that is agitated or out of control better than an adult can. Children that have pets are better at handling stress, have less anxiety and more patience in dealing with others. Dogs are non-judgmental; children will confide in their dogs, confident their secrets will not be revealed. Having a dog gives families things to do together like walk/exercise the dog and helps form a common bond – love for the dog. Growing up with pets lowers the incidence of allergies and asthma, eczema and builds stronger immune systems. Pets teach children lifes lessons – love, friendship, and sometimes, grief. Through it all, many consider their dog their best friend.

Get Ready!

If your dog has never been around babies before, imagine the stress he will be under. New smells, new schedule, new rules, etc. Start now to prepare him for the baby’s arrival.

• Obedience Training: attend a class now if you haven’t already or ‘firm-up’ skills they already know.

• Work on behavior issues now, not the day before you bring the new baby home from the hospital

• Familiarize your dog to baby sounds and smells: You can even download recordings of baby cries here. Read more: wearefamilysa.com: Preparation/SoundsSmells

• Familiarize your dog with baby “things”: like strollers and high chairs. Take him for a walk while you push the empty stroller, etc.

• Start altering your schedule now. This will minimize the risk of your dog associating the changes in his schedule with the baby, lessening the chance of resentment. http://www.wearefamilysa.com.au/WeAreFamily/Preparation/tabid/56/Default.aspx

• Follow proper introduction techniques:

• Be responsible - ALWAYS supervise your dog near a baby or young child.

Recommended Reading:
Getting You Ready
Step-By-Step Guide from "Pregnancy to Preschool"

In addition to the wealth of online information, there are lots of other resources available to prepare you such as workshops, DVD’s, in-home consultations, etc.

More Links:





*According to American Temperament Test Society the American Pit Bull Terrier has a current passing rate of 86% -- compared to only 82.4% of the all breeds on average.

1 comment:

  1. Hello CCB!!
    I would LOVE to put a CCB Button on my blog- we just paid our adoption fee for "Tater"...would be happy to get you some more readers/adopters/fans/supporters.
    You can contact me:
    if you would be interested- I am only too willing to chip in.
    Thanks! Tracy
