May 14, 2012

Pit Bulls in the Park 2012

Pit Bulls in the Park 2012

Many people in society, including some of my family members, would not have stepped foot into an event that contained the word pit bull. Let alone an event that invited people to bring their pit bulls to join in the festivities. Those that discriminate against the breed would imagine vicious dogs on chains and dog fights breaking out everywhere they looked.
I, on the other hand, was excited for this event. I could not wait to see all of the pit bulls that would be brought to the event and I could not wait to help their owners get what they needed for them.
We had people show up starting at 10:45 and most were there until the lightning storm hit and we ran out of the supplies we brought to distribute. We were  able to microchip over 100 dogs and we gave out just as many, if not more, free vaccinations. There were spay/neuter vouchers and tips on training. We had a U-HAUL full of food that was empty by the end of the event. We were also able to give new collars, leashes, and harnesses to those that needed them, as well as many other various dog supplies.
While all of the volunteers were helping out at their various stations we also got to “ooh and ahh” at all of the beautiful dogs that showed up to join us at the event; there were all shapes, colors, sizes, and breeds!
One of the most amazing and fulfilling moments of this event came near the end. A man walked up to the event with a red female that was attached to a chain, he had no collar or leash for her. At this point we had no more collars or leashes. All of the volunteers scrambled around to find a spare leash and collar to donate to this man for his pretty girl, if he would take it. One volunteer had the spare leash and in the end another bought one of the collars we sell at our events to give to her. We approached the owner and he was very willing to take her off her chain and accept the collar and leash. Even if you were just observing this moment from afar it was still amazing and heartwarming to watch, just writing about it brings tears to my eyes.
We all strive at CCB to save pit bulls and educate people on how amazing this breed is. At this event we were able to help as many as 200 dogs get some of the supplies and necessities they needed. If we made just one dog’s life better that day, it was worth it. I love volunteering for Carolina Care Bullies, I love what we stand for and I love the good effect we had on the community that day at Pit Bulls in the Park. I can’t wait for next year so that we can help even more dogs than we did this year. 

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