Anudder Happy Ending
by Tulip

Today is Fanksgiving---I am hoping some turkey and udder fings fall on de floor, but even if dey do not, I am counting my blessings--one, two, free!--and finking about how fankful I am for de people at CCB who rescued me and helped me find my home! It was a big scary road sometimes dat started when somebody won me (I am a prize!) in a cruelty case. Den I was kept at a shelter dat usually does not let pit bulls be rescued or adopted, but I was lucky and got to go and stay wif my wonderful foster person Amy and her doggies so dat I could get healfy (I had worms! Free or four kinds!) and learn to be a dog and use my manners.
Would you like to know how I found my furever home? Mama says it is okay to tell you dat she was not really looking to adopt anudder dog. She already had my sister, Wrigley (who is a pit bull/lab mix), and dey were doing pretty well. Mama does a little volunteering for CCB and was my Facebook friend (I bet some of you are too!), so she said she could babysit me while my foster person went on a big vacation. She fought I would stay for a few days and dat would be it. But you know what? I really liked it at Mama's house, and she and I got to be really good friends super fast! It was pretty easy for me to fit right in and lots of de people I met fought I was just about de cutest doggie dey had seen in a while. Mama started to fink dat maybe it would be okay for Wrigley to have a sister, and--I am just a dog, I do not know all dese fings, but I fought dat was a perfect idea! She asked if she could adopt me, and de nice people at CCB said, "Yes, OK!"
We got some super help from Rae at first, because it can be a little complicated for two girl dogs to learn to be BFFs. Wrigley and I were good girls during our shutdown, but we were REALLY happy when Mama said it was okay for us to be togedder more! I really love my big sister, and one of my favorite fings is to snuggle wif her on de bed or de couch. Of course, I also really like to snuggle wif Mama. She says I am like her shadow because I am usually pretty close to wherever she is and I like to follow her all over de house. Some of my favorite fings are going for walks, doing zoomies in my yard, and playing wif tennis balls. I fink it is really wonderful dat Mama plays dat game---I can have as many tennis balls as I want! Here is my advice on de best fing to do wif a tennis ball. First, chew some of de fuzz off. Second, chomp down hard and pop it. Den it is ready to be used as a chew toy and you can tear it up into tiny pieces and leave dem all over de house! Some dogs like to chase tennis balls in de yard, and yes, OK, I will do dat too.
I have learned a lot of fings since I came here
to live, and Mama says I am doing a really good job wif my leash manners and
basic commands. I am also making lots of human and doggie friends in de
neighborhood. Somebody told me dat I was being a good ambassador for pit bulls.
I am not sure what dat means, but it sounds like an important job, and I fink I
am up to de task! I even got to go to school for a few classes wif dis really
cool trainer named Samanfa. She knows a lot of CCB dogs and does a lot to help
dem. I did a good job in class and even got a certificate! I hope I will get to
go to school again because I really like classes! And certificates! Since I can
jump really high and run really fast, some people fink dat I would be really
good at somefing called agility. I do not really know what dat is, but Mama
said you get lots of treats for learning to do it, so I bet I will like it!
Because I! Like! Treats!
Anyway, I just want to say fanks again to everybody for helping me have such a happy ending! Dis was de best Fanksgiving ever, and Mama says, since I have been a very good girl, a big old fat man in a red suit is going to bring me special treats and toys next monf! So!
Anyway, I just want to say fanks again to everybody for helping me have such a happy ending! Dis was de best Fanksgiving ever, and Mama says, since I have been a very good girl, a big old fat man in a red suit is going to bring me special treats and toys next monf! So!
So cute! That is wonderful!