December 30, 2010

How Slow Dog Introductions Will Help You Save the Life of a Dog in the New Year

What a fine New Year's Resolution eh? And how, praytell, can you achieve that? Well, our hope is that you will make just such a resolution for Bella, Honey, or Delilah.

"But I CAN'T" you say. "Bella, Honey, and Delilah - they are all picky with other dogs. Bella doesn't even like cats! I have dogs! I have cats!" You say.

 The sad truth is, these dogs will never improve, and will continue to live very under-enriched lives in their temporary places that can't offer help for these dogs become better. Without a leader to guide them, Bella & Delilah may have to continue to live in a home with so many dogs to manage there is no time for training. For Honey, the stress of the kennel will lead to more problem behaviors and frustrations with other dogs.

"Easy peasy" dogs make it into "easy peasy" foster homes, and thereafter, usually pretty quickly into forever homes. But Bella, Honey, and Delilah -- they struggle. Because they were not started off right. Their "first" owners may have kept them outside with little socialization. They may have neglected to teach them manners inside the house because they simply didn't have the time or the patience. Maybe their owners "tried" to train them, but didn't understand how to do it right. They may have yelled at them for displaying aggressive behaviors, did leash corrections, or just tensed up at the sight of another dog walking past -- all things that will FURTHER frustrate a dog and reinforce their behavior. When dogs see their owners aren't in control, they are forced to take the lead, and unfortunately this creates highly undesirable results!

So these 3 girls, Miss Bella, Honey, and Delilah - They ended up as strays, they were left unwanted. "Teach me! Make me better! Make me adoptable! I only want to LOVE you!"  Their eyes plead. And still, no one came. CCB wants to change all that for them. Because truth is, these dogs have a lot to offer. They are your TYPICAL pit bull - full of energy, loyalty, unwavering love for humans, and whether we like to acknowledge it or not - a good bit of them are dog selective. Like many terriers, they can have prey drive.

There is good news for you, the potential foster home, and for these dogs in question. A dog that doesn't get along with other dogs doesn't have to continue to be that way. Sure, they may never have best dog buddies, but maybe they can at least learn some manners, be presentable. Wouldn't it be great if they could go to an adoption event without their handler hiding in shame??

They need a leader to teach them. And that is why CCB provides resources. Easy step-by-step guides on how to teach a dog-reactive dog to stop spitting obscenities at other dogs.

Step 1: Keep a Journal

Sometimes in training it's hard to tell if we are making progress. So let's prove that hard work pays off! Write down what happened on Day 1 you started training. How did your foster dog react when presented with another dog? What exercises did you work on? What seemed to work, and what seemed to fail? Did you move too fast? You can organize it however you want, but make sure to take good notes.

Step 2: Slow and Steady Wins the Race  

Lets face it, it's hard not to rush things. It's natural to want our pets to get along from the start. I mean, who wouldn't want it to be easy? But with pit bulls, lets face it, it can take some work. But remember, it takes longer to undo something done wrong than to do it right the first time! Set your foster dog up for success always!!

Put your foster dog on the NILIF program from the moment they walk in the door. Soon your foster dog understands that "Whew, I don't have to freak out anymore! This human person has got my back! They are taking care of the food, the treats, the potty time - I can just relax and be a dog!"

Start out with your foster dog crated in a room away from your other pets. Don't stop there. Put a baby gate in the door. This avoids any confrontations either dog is not ready for! (Make sure neither dog is willing/able to scale the baby gate!)

The room you choose should be in eyesight of a high-traffic, or regularly inhabited room, so you can talk to your foster dog and praise either dog when they regard each other calmly. It also gives your foster dog the opportunity to see that your current pets are a valued part of the pack.

If your foster dog is up for it, and you have another person to help, you can start taking walks together, with one person per dog, but kept distance between them at all times to avoid any face-to-face issues. Remember to rotate who walks in front, and to alternate with walking side by side (but making sure at least one person is between the two dogs).  MUCH praise for being calm and friendly. Consider attaching a treat pouch to your hips for extra, ultra special breakthroughs between the two dogs that are cause for a food reward. An example of an event that deserves effusive praise? Anytime the dogs looked at each other with low slow tail wags! Be watchful of body language - it speaks volumes.

Step 3: Pet' N Praise at the Gate

Now you may feel your foster dog is ready for the next step - out of the crate, but with the baby gate up. Monitor this VERY carefully, hanging out at the doorway, petting both dogs and offering praise. Ask them for some sits at the doorway, and upon successful completion, praise and reward their behavior. ONLY give treats when both dogs are being good. This is the step we spent the most time on.

Be prepared for some "doggie disagreements" here - this the first time the dogs have possible access to each other, and they may feel a little intimidated. If you see any aggressive displays, verbally reprimanded BOTH dogs, and send to "time-outs" behind closed doors.

When you have reliable, consistent happy tail wags at the gate and no aggressive displays, you can move on. On your walks, you can allow the dogs to move closer, but still avoid any direct contact.

 Step 4: Tie Em Down (Not What You Think!) 

Now its time for your foster dog to try a tie-down, but enclose her with an x-pen. You can install a tie-down in the same room the foster dog's crate. This is another closely monitored step, as pit bulls are strong, and we don't want them pulling the eye-hook out of the wall or trying to scale the baby gates!And by now you know the drill: praise and treats for good; take a step back for the bad. Continue walks, allow the dogs to move closer, but still avoid that direct contact! If you think your foster dog is ready, a few short butt-sniffing sessions may be tried here. But remember our aim is success, so don't feel pressured for this step yet!

 Step 5:  X Marks the Spot

Now un-clip that tie-down, and just let your foster dog hang tough inside the x-pen. Take your time with this step since the next step will be having your dogs out together with no barrier! You need a solid foundation before you continue. Keep a very close eye on body language and extinguish any posturing by either dog and praise appropriate behavior. Continue with the walks and allow some more butt-sniffing, but no face-to-face contact yet.

Step 6: Clip, Calm, Correct

Now switch! Clip your foster dog to a tie down, but no x-pen. This is the most difficult step, but you have worked up to it, and learned a lot about body language in the process. Either dog is likely to be overexcited and rude. There may be attempted humping or dominance displays. But remember CALM, distinct, verbal corrections. Have a water spray bottle handy, for any "tiffs" or for utra-stubborn dogs that may have a tendency to tune you out. Walks may have freer contact, maybe some short face-to-face contact. We're almost there!

Step 7:  Nice to Meet You!

Time to let two dogs meet! Leash each dog so you have something to grab if needed, but let the leash drag on the ground. Diffuse any uncomfortable or rude behavior with a pat of your leg, a recall (calling a dog to you), or with obedience exercises. Remember the golden rule of pit bull ownership; DON'T TRUST A PIT BULL NOT TO FIGHT. I.E., never leave them unattended. When you can't be present, remember to utilize the crate that your foster dog has learned is their safe, worry-free zone. And it's worry-free for you too!

The time for this entire process varies. It may take a week. It may take 3. Do not focus on the calendar, and instead on what your training journal tells you. Is it time to go to the next step, or does this step still need work? While it can be hard at times to put off integrating your foster dog into your life fully, the success you’ll enjoy from taking is SLOW is undeniable. Doing it this way will allow you to gradually increase the difficulty of the interaction without putting you in a situation you can't handle.

I believe in our foster parents, our supporters, and most of all I believe in the dogs we pick for our rescue. But what kind of rescue would we be if we only chose perfect dogs? Bella, Honey, and Delilah are not perfect, but truly, who of us is? Today, we need YOU to make a resolution to CHANGE THE LIFE OF A DOG THAT NEEDS YOU ... MOST.

Our next installment: The Truth about Cats and Dogs!

December 5, 2010

Featured Happy Ending


Hello, my name is Lulu and I was born on 11/22/2009. When I was adopted I weighed 6 LBS, I now weigh 55 LBS. When I first got to my new home I was taken outside every couple of hours to potty which was a relief but there were some mishaps, it happens. After some training and time I quickly learned only to go outside. Before every meal I had to learn tricks and within a month I knew had to sit, left and right handshake, lie-down, rollover and speak on command. When the food is placed in front of me I only eat when I hear "OK." Believe me this did not happen overnight, I learned a new trick every week so with a little time and discipline I learned to do all my tricks. I eat very well; along with my regular meals I get special treat such as broccoli, carrots and eggs etc. I get plenty of exercise because I made my Daddy get a bike and he rides while I run about 3 to 5 miles a day. I also made him get a fence for the back yard so I can get some private play time. From the time I came home I was socialized with other dogs and people. I have made many doggy friends and all the kids in the neighborhood love me. So I just wanted to say hello to all my friends and fellow bullies that with some discipline, structure, patience and love life is great. 

Here are some pictures to see how I have grown

Love Lulu


Volunteer Spotlight

Jessica Harrell

I never do what is easy or convenient. Better than that, I always follow my heart. My parents called it rebellious, but I just call it passionate. I’m 23 and married my husband 3 years ago, right before he deployed to Afghanistan with the U.S. Army. I adopted my first rescue dog in 2009 when I moved to Fayetteville, NC to set up our first apartment alone. I got a brindle boxer I named Boss because he immediately took over my life in every aspect. He slept in my empty bed with me, made me laugh and kept me safe. I remember picking him up from the transport that brought him to me; he sat on the floor in the back of my car and rested his chin on my shoulder as I drove home. It was instantly love. I remember realizing how sad my world could have been if I had not met Boss, and that I wanted to bring all these amazing, once unwanted dogs to loving families they so deserved. So, I began volunteering with boxer rescues here in North Carolina. It’s a year and a half later and we have acquired our own house, and 2 more dogs of our own. Another boxer, Phoenix, and a pit bull, Ruby who fueled a new passion of this abused and misunderstood breed.

I began volunteering with Carolina Care Bullies this past July and have loved every minute of it. I had the privilege of fostering puppies Lilo, Knox and Gordie, and most recently, Duke. I am now on my 5th foster through them, Charlotte. I have learned to stop assuming “oh, someone else will do something to help that dog” when I see urgent postings. I just don’t think people understand how much they all truly have to offer these dogs. People sometimes make fun of me as a crazy dog lady, but the way I see it, I have a home, and these dogs needed homes! I wish everyone would stop making excuses, because there are always a million reasons not to do something, but saving an innocent dog’s life will outweigh all of those. My friend Kim says I never dip my toe in the pool, and that I just jump right in. I guess that’s true. I genuinely believe you either do, or you don’t. In my “all in” philosophy, I have also recently become the Adoption Coordinator for CCB. I answer questions from potential adopters, draw out adoption contracts, and check references.

I’m slowly but surely finishing up my Bachelor’s Degree in criminal justice. Also this summer I began painting. Turns out I’m not half bad! I’ve managed to turn my art into a part time job for myself. I also donated some paintings to CCB fundraisers.

Today I was out in the yard with our latest foster, Charlotte, who shows signs of abuse and fear of humans. I got her to play with me, and then while she stopped to rest, she layed down in the grass, stretched her back legs behind her. As the gentle breeze crossed her soft face, she looked at me and smiled. I realized this is what it’s all for. I thrive off the change being brought into these gentle souls.

Jessica Harrell
Adoption Coordinator - Carolina Care Bullies
Link to Jessica's art page:  Squishy Face Art

Know Your Bully

Include Them and Keep Them Safe During the Holidays!

My dogs love the holidays - they LOVE company, LOVE the food that company "accidentally" drops on the floor, and they LOVE to visit Grandpa. Some of the best Christmas memories are the ones involving our dogs. Let's see... there was the time my husband's former pittie, "Butkus", hiked his leg on the Christmas tree at Grandpa's house as the whole family gasped in horror (quick - somebody wipe off the presents!). Well, we laugh about it now and someone tells that story every year. And let's not forget the time that Butkus leapt into Grandpa's lap with such excited force that Grandpa's recliner tipped over backwards. Yes, they still let us bring all of our dogs (this year, Ollie makes three) to stay at Grandpa's house in Florida for Christmas. After all, they are part of the family and it wouldn't be Christmas without them.

Safety Tips:
Safety Tips:
Include Your Pets:
Travel Tips:
Holiday Clothing:

November 6, 2010

It Takes A Village: Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue

The amount of time, effort , resources, volunteers and organizations required to rescue and adopt out just one animal is quite extraordinary.  CAAR (Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue) is just one of the many organizations the CCB works with on a daily basis.

Blog post by Carol Clay – Adopter and now CAAR volunteer/advocate:

About a year ago, I rescued a puppy from a busy road in the Brevard area. That's when I first learned about our county animal shelter and the abandoned and abused animal population here in Transylvania County.

Our shelter is an old, sad building with extremely limited space for all the dogs that wind up there. When a dog is brought to the shelter, there is a 5 day grace period to allow the owner to claim the animal. If the dog is not claimed, and the shelter fills up (which is practically every day), that dog can be euthanized for no other reason than a lack of space. Dogs that have been surrendered by their owners aren't that lucky. They do not get that 5 day grace period and can be put down at any time.

Every single day of the year dogs end up at the Transylvania County Animal Shelter and the scenario is played out again and again. While other counties in our area have recognized the need and created modern new shelters and facilities, our county has been stuck in neutral, despite a plan for a new shelter that was approved and funded.
That's why organizations like Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue are so important. Charlie's Angels is a non-profit organization whose only mission is to rescue dogs and cats from the shelter so the string of senseless deaths is stopped....
...Meet Ace. His 5 day grace period was over and he was on the list to be killed. That was December of 2009. Ace is now a beloved member of our family and every time I look at his sweet face, I think about how close he came to being killed for only one reason - there just wasn't room for him at the shelter. What a tragic waste of a life that would have been.  Read Full Text of Carol's Blog Post >

Introducing...the RH3

The NC Director of the HSUS asked CCB to help find placement for the 3 adult pit bulls seized from the Rockingham County cruelty case. These two females and one male were professionally evaluated and passed with flying colors, and are now safe in foster care!  Check out the video: 

November 5, 2010

A Note From the President Regarding the Puppy Nursery

Hello CCB Supporters,

First off, let me thank you all for you supporting our latest endeavors to renovate an outdoor building into a fully-functional puppy nursery. We truly appreciate when so many get behind something we really believe can make a difference for the lives of pit bulls in the state of North Carolina!

It was with deep regret, sadness, and frankly, embarrassment that I have to report that these plans will not be coming to fruition based on the research we did in the preliminary stages of making this venture a reality. Due to legal, long-term, personal, and professional roadblocks (and believe me there were plenty of each), we can not realistically create a puppy nursery on a foster mom's property. Because Terry & I ourselves live on rental property, neither we can put a building on our property for this purpose. The best time at which to begin a project like this would be if CCB should sometime in the future own their own land where we can build a permanent structure that will belong to our organization for many years to come, making the very most of our investments.

Since each of you donated to our cause under the pretense that a puppy nursery would be created, we want to be 100% forthcoming with our latest developments. We would GLADLY issue refunds to any of out donors that would request them.

On the flipside, we have big plans for any remaining donations if you should be so generous to let us use them to continue our great work. CCB's next major purchase will hopefully be a full-size or mini-van for the purpose of our business vehicle. We have put literally tens of thousands thousands of miles on my personal vehicle in the past year and a half, and are in need of more room for transporting, crating, and supplies that my small Dodge Calibur just can not accommodate.

I hope that you can forgive us that sometimes our ambitions can be bigger that reality!! But we still hope to see many great things ahead with the help of your continued support.


Amanda Liston
President, Carolina Care Bullies

November 4, 2010

Featured Happy Ending: "Pickles"

I adopted Pickles shortly after losing my best friend, Cody, to a rattlesnake bite. I was having a really, really hard time dealing with it. My daughter told me that I could not let that stop me from "rescuing" dogs. I don't really consider myself a rescuer because I can only deal with one dog at a time when so many other people can really do a lot of good. But, I can tell you that when I saw Beverly's posting of Pickles, all I could do was giggle. He was so comical and sweet looking. Now that he's in my life, every day there is something for me to laugh about. His first visit to the vet was memorable. Everyone in the vet's office loved him and had to pet him and play with him.

Our first "trick" was to teach him to shake. As soon as he tried to lift his paw, he lost his balance and fell right over on his side. He's got it down pat now, though. Beverly had told me that he had never slept on the bed before but he had slept on the couch. The first week here, I heard a thump in the middle of the night, turned on the light, and - bless his heart - he had fallen off of the bed and was standing there with a confused look on his face. He's got the bed thing down pat now too.

Pickles loves my daughter's dog, Benjammin'. Bennie is 8 years old and about 80 pounds of mutt. If Pickles can't get him to run around and play, he spends the entire day cleaning Bennie's ears for him. Poor Ben! He just rolls his eyes at us and sits there and takes it.

Pickles earned the nickname of Little Mickey because both he and my friend Mickey are short and stocky, have bad eyesight and waddle when they walk. Mickey loves Pickles so much that he
has modified his front and back decks on his house so that Pickles can run through the house, onto the front deck and on to the back deck and we don't have to worry about him getting lose and getting lost.

The vet is doing some research to see if there is anything that can be done to help Pickles' eyesight. He gets around pretty good but his eyesight is bad enough that he occassionly runs into things. I don't know how much more his hard little head can take.

One thing Pickles has plenty of is love, hugs and kisses


Featured Adopt-a-Bull: Meg

Miss Megs is nearing 6 months old, and all 10 of her siblings have already been adopted. Meg would be perfect for a home with a male playmate who loves to roughhouse or an active family to take Meg on walks and runs. She has become wonderfully housetrained in foster care and well socialized among many dogs and people at the pet place in which her foster mom works! She is beautiful! Her brindle coat is so unique and you will love her loving nature! Beautiful, smart, funny - all in one little bully body! Hopefully, she will find her forever home soon so they can enjoy her puppy-hood. She is hysterical and more fun to watch than cable TV.

Meg is crate trained, knows "sit" and "come", learning leash walking, gets along with dogs - has never been around cats that I know of - and loves people!!! She is just a cute, sweet little wiggle-butt and she loves to snuggle and kiss but not until after she is done playing!! She will be a wonderful pet for a bully-savvy home or someone with a strong persona as she is pretty hard-headed!! She considers herself quite a Princess.  

October 5, 2010


The food you choose to feed your pets can have a significant impact on their quality of life. A good diet can take care of skin issues, allergies, increase longevity, strengthen immunity to disease, eliminate digestive disorders, and more. A bad diet causes countless health issues and even premature death.

So how do you select the quality food?

  • If it comes in a bag at your local grocery store, you probably shouldn't feed it to your pets. For the most part, the only food sold at a grocery store that is fit for your pet's consumption is the food that you eat (fresh meat, veggies, etc).
  • Read the labels. More information about labeling can be found in some of the links to the right.
  • Find a local pet food retailer that sells high-quality foods - the reputable ones won't even carry foods that contain harmful ingredients.
  • Educate yourself and choose wisely. Your pets depend on you.

Nutrition Links

Dog Food Analysis: Find your current food's rating

Get the Facts:  What is Really in Pet Food

Foods to Avoid

How to Read the Labels and Compare

Information on Raw Feeding:

Information on Grain-Free Foods

Homemade Cooked Diets

October 4, 2010

Featured Happy Ending: Romeo

Hi, I'm Romeo, and I've been asked to tell you about how I came to find my forever home. I'll start where my rescue group, CCB, comes into the picture because that's the where the love begins. Amanda Boykin, a caring member of the group that rescued me, saw me running free with some children in Rocky Mount, NC but before I knew it I was taken by animal control to the Edgecomb Co. shelter. Amanda had a feeling that I could be a keeper for someone so she got the okay from Amanda L. to spring me just as my time was up. I was ever so grateful to get out of there. 72 hours never seemed so long! Next I went to her house and was greeted by her two kids, husband, and other dogs that look a lot like me! It was so nice to be petted, hugged, and well-fed for a change. I am an affectionate fella and I also have a unique heart shape on my forhead. Based upon those facts, I was named "Romeo." My life was starting to change for the better. I stayed with Amanda B. for a week or two until I went to live with my foster mom, Tracey Chipps.
When I went to live with my foster mom it was discovered that I had heartworms and a urinary tract infection. She was so patient with me while I was sick. I had to be on low activity for what seemed like forever! I tried not to have accidents in my crate or on the bathroom floor while I was getting better but I just couldn't hold it sometimes. Foster mom Tracey never got mad at me at all, although I must have disappointed her. I love her so much for that. At foster mom's house, there were two other pit bulls like me but they couldn't hear anything. Boy, they were
pretty! I was not the man of the house though, there was a little Mexican guy (aka Chihuahua)that lived there too. While I was on "lock-down" for my heartworms, foster mom gave me things that I had never seen before to chew on. I didn't know what to do with some of the toys but I learned quickly what to do with the rawhides and knuckle bones! Those things made my tartared teeth just like new again. I would have stayed there forever if I could have but it was not meant to be. I was soon to meet my forever mom.

My forever mom was grieving over her best friend, Copper, who was also a pit bull. He had died a couple of months before due to Lymphoma. She missed him very much and when she was ready, she decided she wanted to adopt another pittie, because hey, we are just that awesome! Michelle, my forever mom-to-be, decided that she would choose CCB to adopt through because she knew that the bullies there were all fostered so she would be able to adopt one whose disposition was known. First she visited an event at Cat Banjo in Raleigh to check out the organization and meet some of us. She spoke with my rescuer, Amanda B., and liked her immediately. She met Buckley Von Piggles, Bronx, Lilo, and me among many others. Within a few days she contacted Amanda B. and gave her the qualifications for her new friend: Must be dog friendly, cat friendly, and house trained. Amanda gave her three choices and I won the golden ticket! My new mom decided to let me continue to convalesce with my foster mom and as soon as my heartworm treatment was over, I was taken to meet her. Leaving my foster mom was hard. She cried and hugged me and kissed the heart on my head over and over. She told me what was about to happen and instructed me to be on my best behavior and to mind my manners. My foster mom and Amanda B. met in Zebulon, NC so I could ride with Amanda to meet my new mom. We met my new mom in Wilson on Sunday August 8, 2010. I'll always remember that day because that is when I went to my forever home!
On my way to my new house with my new mom, I took a nap and was on my best behavior. When we arrived, Mom gave me a tour of the house. where I met my feline brother, Junior, whom I just love to chase. He's not into that so much as I have been smacked a few times when I've done that. I met the bird too. His name is Buckwheat and he sure is loud! Next I went outside to see my new backyard where I met my new partner-in-crime, Scooter. He is a Puggle with an underbite. Nowhere near as handsome as I am, but he's cool to have as a brother. We play and play and play. I love to roll him and he doesn't seem to mind but mom does. She thinks we play too rough sometimes. All in all, I am a happy boy! I love my new family so much! Mom buys me toys, rawhides, and femur bones. I also have the choice of sleeping on my very own bed, or on her bed. I have decided that I am a snuggler! It has been a great two months. If there is a downside to my new living situation, I'd have to say that its being in the crate. I really hate the crate..... I don't care for baths either but mom kisses me more when I smell good. Well, I think I have adjusted well to my new mom and new home. I'm happy to be here and am so glad to be with those who love me and treat me well. I'm thankful for Carolina Care Bullies who got me off the street and helped me get healthy again. If it weren't for all the nice things they did for me, I probably would not have survived being on my own, the shelter, or my heartworms. Thank you for introducing me to my new mom also.


Romeo Avery

Featured Adopt-a-Bull: Sawyer "The Wonderdog"

Sawyer the Wonder Dog has come a long way from neglected beginnings. The day CCB met Sawyer, we did not even know if he would be a candidate for adoption. He lived his first few years as the dog of a local drug-dealer, meant to protect the home from unwelcome intruders. Sawyer was intact, did not receive regular meals or any type of vet care. He was not adequately socialized, living in a dark, dank property in the worst part of town.

In a few short weeks, Sawyer has gone from the distrustful and shy dog we met that day, to social, outgoing, and content. Sawyer does not need much to entertain him - he knows nothing of toys or bones, and would rather curl up on the floor beside you, or watch your daily activities with the famous 'bully smile' on his face.

Sawyer responds well to very soft, minor verbal corrections, but to be honest, he really does not do much to warrant discipline! Sawyer is never found to be in the trash, with objects he shouldn't, or even pestering his small Chihuahua house mates. He does EXTREMELY well with small dogs, even unfamiliar ones. He walks right past a growling, barking, or nipping terrier without much interest or regard. With proper slow intros to female dogs his size, he would likely do just as well. Unfortunately the cranky dogs in his temporary foster home have prevented us from gaining much information on his social skills with other pit bulls!

House trained, crate trained, and an understanding of basic commands are just a few more or Sawyer's fabulous credentials. Although he would not oppose lots of daily activity and exercise, he is not likely to require it. Sawyer is calm and mild-mannered.
Sawyer is an inspiration to all of us and is one of the few rescue dogs where we truly know what he had to overcome to continue to be a loving, forgiving, and well-adjusted example of the breed we love so much.

To meet Sawyer, is to change any negative misconceptions you may have of the breed, and surely will warm your heart. Our ideal home for Sawyer would be one that pursues bully breed ambassadorship, such as Canine Good Citizen certification and therapy work. Sawyer has a story to tell to all of those who will listen.

Featured Adopt-a-Bull: Delilah

 You can see everything you need to know about Delilah right in her smile; she ♥ s unconditionally - now she just needs someone to show her that same ♥ !! Delilah has had a lot of bad luck with potential homes, despite her popularity among CCB volunteers & supporters! She is a young, intelligent pittie mix that knows all her basic commands, plus will impress you with some extras, like shake & roll over! Delilah loves to play with dogs, so she would prefer an opposite sex playmate in her new home that doesn’t mind her activity level. She is also pretty non-chalant around cats from what we have seen!! We love her motivation for all things food, which will carry her far with a forever home that is willing to train her! Delilah also loves chewing on bones, tennis balls, & tug toys. She doesn't mind sharing her toys with adults but for some reason she is more stingy around kids, so we ask she be placed with adults or older-children families. She is wonderfully crate-trained, housetrained, & uses the bathroom quickly outside during her potty breaks. All this, and she's cute as a button too!

September 4, 2010

Featured Adopt-a-Bull: Aurora

 Aurora is the mother of the "Disney Litter". Ten, yes, TEN of her puppies have been adopted and now only Aurora and Meg (the last remaining puppy) remain to find a family that exist only in pit bull dreams, with a warm pillow of their own . . .

Aurora takes "The Nanny Dog" nickname for the breed very seriously with her wonderfully loving, motherly, and nurturing personality...

She adores children of all ages, big and small. Her most adorable personality trait is gently pawing or nudging you with her nose when she needs some extra lovin'. She plays well with other dogs and cats but would rather spend her time snuggling with her people. She has a low to moderate energy level and doesn't mind going on a walk once in a while or playing a bit as long as she is spending time with you. The basic commands are coming to her with ease and she would make an excellent family pet.

Read and see more about me on Facebook and Petfinder.

Featured Happy Ending: Oliver

“I don’t know why we don’t just keep that dog” was an off-hand comment I made to my wife the day I met Oliver (“Ollie”) that started the ball rolling towards his adoption. You’d think a man as old as me would learn to keep his mouth shut but, nope, I can’t do it. It’s like a compulsion put into men by God so their wives can adopt homeless pit bulls. At 0430 every morning my ears are completely cleaned by the tongue of one of the most energetic beings I have ever met. And until I get up he will constantly ask, “Is it time to go for a walk yet?” and “What time are we going to start playing catch?” If I’d only kept my mouth shut. I’m sure every husband out there has asked themselves that question a thousand times. By 0445, I’ll have my shoes on and Ollie, Pete (Ollie’s older brother and his favorite dog in the whole wide world), and I will load up into my old Dodge and head to the woods for a morning walk (aka rabbit chasing, mud puddle slurping, game of king of the mountain, morning constitution, etc) followed by a relaxing game of catch (usually about 50 wind sprints after his favorite toy -- a slobbery, mud-covered tennis ball).

Ollie was found wandering the streets of a trailer park in western NC, apparently abandoned by a family that had recently moved. He was placed in a kill shelter, was pulled by a local rescue organization and the nearly month-long ordeal ended when he was taken in by Carolina Care Bullies. He became a foster in our home in March and before summer had arrived Ollie became a permanent fixture in our home. Over the last few months Ollie has learned many important things: it’s best to pee outside; cat-chasing is for sissies; Pete, his older brother, will protect him from all harm and is a wise dog to emulate; Cessie his little sister (Pomeranian) will bite the snot out your lip if you aggravate her long enough; and Moma is the best reason in the world to get out of bed in the morning.

Ollie is a constant source of entertainment and love all rolled up into a 45 lb body. Everyone who meets Ollie always ask the same question, “What kind of dog is that?” It’s a tiresome question, so now I just answer, “He’s an Ollie - a rare breed from western NC known for their loving nature, tennis ball obsessions, and inability to control their licker”.

I have a weak spot for the discarded ones like Ollie because they have the same dreams as an old Soldier like myself … Home. Welcome Home, son.
-Ollie’s Pa

Words from the VP

Wow! Our first year as a rescue has been awesome - Amanda and I never expected it to grow this fast. We’ve come along way in our first year! We remember the early days, such as last years Pride Fest, when had to split the cost of a booth because we didn’t have enough money for a spot.

Facebook has given us so many great fans and supporters; we have friends - literally all over the world - that always encourage us. There are stressful times too; like when we work so hard to save dogs, but we don’t have room for the ones some feel we should save. Our true friends know how much we love the breed; we would save every adoptable pit bull if we could.
It’s so amazing seeing dogs in their new home, ones like Rhett that were on the ‘hit list’, that now get to go on boat rides with his new family. Amanda and I get really emotional when we see all the success stories in our rescue. Our fosters have made us successful; if it wasn’t for them we could have never saved so many. We have a top notch Board that helps keep things running smoothly. Then there’s my sweet Amanda who works tirelessly in all her free time making our rescue better - none of this would have been possible without her vision.
As we start our second year the dream continues to grow. We hope someday to buy some land and build a shelter so we can help more pit bulls, and it’s my dream to have a sanctuary for the less adoptable, so we can give them the happy life they deserve.
We want to thank everyone that made our dream come true and can’t wait to see what next year holds. Maybe someday it will take a stadium to hold all our adopters and fosters for the annual Bully Bash! Thanks everyone for changing the world for pit bulls.

VP of Carolina Care Bullies



A healthy pit bull needs exercise! How much exercise each individual dog needs depends on his/her personality, metabolism, and fitness level. Some pit bulls seem to retain almost puppy-like energy even well into adult years, while others can be mellow ‘couch potato’ types. In general, these smart, athletic dogs enjoy a challenge both mentally and physically. Without the proper amount of exercise, dogs may engage in other, sometimes inappropriate or destructive, behaviors out of boredom or frustration. Exercise should include physical and mental stimulation. A tired dog makes for a happy, well behaved dog and a happy owner. A daily 20-minute walk may not tire out your dog. Unstructured off leash time in the yard may also not be effective in meeting your dog’s mental and physical stimulation needs.As a general rule, each dog should get a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Here are some ways that many of our PBRC volunteers exercise their dogs. Many of these options can also incorporate obedience training into the exercise program, giving your dog the best of both worlds.
• Recall practice up and down a flight of stairs
• Biking with your dog with a safe bike attachment such as the K9 Cruiser
• Jogging with your dog
• Teaching your dog to run or jog on a treadmill. This can be a lifesaver in the winter months!
• Treadmill video (carpet mill):

• Treadmill Training:

• Playing fetch in a fenced area
• A flirt pole or The Chase It Dog Toy. This toy is an ideal toy to incorporate training and self-control while your dog has fun. Requiring a sit or down before allowing play, is just one way to add training to fun time.
• Push-ups for dogs: Have your dog sit, then down, then sit, and then down… you get the point!
• Tug of War. There is some controversy over this game. However, we believe that most dogs enjoy playing tug and it can be played safely and correctly, given some ground rules. Add obedience work into this fun game, so that your dog learns to say, “please” with his behavior to earn what he wants. You can incorporate cues such as ‘sit,’ ‘down,’ ‘wait,’ ‘take it,’ and ‘drop’ into the game.
• Provide mental stimulation for your dog with interactive, ‘stuffable’ food toys such as Kongs. These toys are durable and a wonderful way to make crate time enjoyable. Remember that in a multi-dog household, Kongs and other chew items or food toys can be viewed as high value. You may need to separate your dogs when they have such treats to avoid conflict.
• Is your dog a retriever? Playing fetch or Frisbee is a great exercise activity!
If your dog doesn't know how to retrieve, now's a good time to teach it!
• Long walks or if you are a jogger, take the dog running with you!
• Consider purchasing a K-9 cruiser and taking your dog bicycling you!
Mental exercise can also tire a dog out while giving him/her something to do, a chance to learn, and also have positive interactions with the owner. Consider doing short training sessions with your dog(s). Practice some obedience or teach a new trick or task. Remember that dogs learn best if the sessions are short (5-10 minutes) and upbeat

More exercise articles and resource links:
3 Quick Tips to Keep Your Pit Bull Out of Trouble and Healthy Too By Jason Mann

Activities For You and Your Pit Bull

Cool Activity links:Dock Dog competions!

FlyBall video:

Pit Bulls and Agility:

April 14, 2010

Please Help us raise money to get these babies healthy

Aiden, Adopt-A-Bull

My name is Aiden, and my foster mom tells me I have these yucky worms in my heart. I am not sure what it means, but sometimes when she pets me she seems sad and tells me that she worries about me. She said I am going to a place where they will make the worms go away next week, and that I have to be a good boy and very brave, because it might hurt. I don't know why she worries so much, I am strong and I have seen a lot in my short life. I really like it at my foster home, and my foster brother is awesome! I love to run and play with him, and I will really miss being able to hang out with him. My foster mommy tells me that after the people make the worms go away, that I won't be able to go run or play outside anymore, and that I will have to sleep all the time. But I hate sleeping, there is so much to do!

I am learning all sorts of new things, like how to go potty outside, but I have to mark my territory, so this is hard for me! I know how to sit and lay down, and my foster mommy tries to get me to go in this big dark cage a lot, but it reminds me of the shelter, so I don't really like going inside. I am very quiet and go to sleep right away once I am inside though, especially if my foster mommy puts a blanket over the cage.

 I am a smart boy, and I would really like to find my forever home! Can you help me?

April 13, 2010

Dog's a no no!

If you enjoy off-leash dog parks, you don't want to hear this. But I am going to tell you anyway. If you choose to become the owner of a Pit Bull, your dog park days are almost surely over, at least when the dog is somewhere over 8 months old. Accidental dogfights in off-leash parks are common, but when a Pit Bull is involved, they are headlines. Following Pit Bull Golden Rule #1 "NEVER trust your pit bull not to fight", you can see why off-leash parks are a very bad idea for our breed. As a Pit Bull owner, you have certain responsibilities. Your responsibility to your dog (to keep him/her out of trouble), your responsibility to other dog owners (to keep their dogs safe from your dog), and your responsibility to your breed (to keep your dog OUT of negative headlines). Even pit bulls that have never exhibited dog aggression may fight back if approached by the wrong dog in an aggressive manner. I will repeat this for you. As the owner of a pit bull, any fight will always be your fault, no matter who started it... 
Written By: Amanda Liston, President of CCB

Where are some fun places you take your pittie to socialize and play?


April 11, 2010

Hello Blog World!

Welcome to the Carolina Care Bullies Blog! We will be posting about our rescue, pit bulls, inspiration, events, and everything else in between. Add us to your favorites and follow us as we continue our wonderful yet crazy journey to save pit bulls from euthanasia, educate the community, and care for this amazing breed that deserves our support!!