Featured Happy Ending: Capo
Capo's life didn't start out so great: He was
picked up by animal control with his mom and sister, given the number 550 and
was destined for a terrible fate. In fact his mother & sister met
that sad fate. But something was special about Capo. He was pulled
into the Vet Tech program only to be placed back on the euth list a few days
later. That bought him some vital time. His picture was posted
around the foster networks. A lovely shelter worker named Jenn was trying
her best to get him out of there. That one kind act set everything else in to
Enter the next
angel in Capo's life, Shana Markwis. Shana is a foster for Carolina Care
Bullies and noticed Capo's photograph the night she had given away her last
foster to a forever family. Out of all the dogs flooding her inbox,
something about Capo stuck with her. In his intake photo he looks sad,
scared, filthy. His notes said "animal aggressive, resource guarder,
shy." Shana, always fighting for the underdog couldn't let this guy
die because of a few bad marks. She emailed the shelter worker that night
at 11pm, with just a few hours left until he was supposed to die.
The shelter gave
him his shots, had him neutered, and on February 21, 2012, Capo was free.
But what kind of freedom would this be? Capo wasn't the super
happy-go-lucky, giddy to be out of jail dog. No...he was broken.
When Shana went to pick him up, he was stiff, unflinching, nervous.
He couldn't let his guard down. Shana noticed his bottom canine
tooth missing a small hole in his tongue....what kind of life had this poor guy
had?? But all that changed very quickly.
Once Capo settled
in to his new home, he was a completely different dog. A wagging tail
that swings like a baseball bat, a goofy wiggle that you cannot help but laugh
at no matter how many times you've seen it, a silly personality full of quirks.
Capo opened up. He began to really LIVE. Those notes on him
became curious to Shana...he was never aggressive towards her two cats, never
became possessive over toys or food. It's interesting that dogs are
labeled without thinking about the REASON for their behavior. If you were
shoved into a prison (filled with scary people, sounds and smells) with your
mom & sister, wouldn't it be normal for you to become protective? And
couldn't that be read as aggression? Don't let those labels scare you
off....take them into consideration, but a dog is much much more than its
shelter notes.
After a month at
Shana's, Capo was really thriving....that's when we came in. Jillian and
I had been talking about adopting a pit bull for a while. We knew their
maligned history and we knew what amazing pets they can be. So we started
looking. And of course if you're in NC looking to adopt a pit bull, you
come across Carolina Care Bullies. As we started looking over the dogs,
we knew the number one thing that was important to us: a cat friendly dog.
Jillian has had her cat, Jennifur, for 10 years and nothing can come
between her and that kitty. When we clicked on Capo's profile the first
line read in all caps "SUPER CAT FRIENDLY" and of course that made us
read further. Capo seemed perfect. We emailed CCB and started
a correspondence with Shana. I cannot give her enough credit.
She is an angel on earth for these dogs. She answered every
question I had with thorough and detailed answers....we felt like we already
knew Capo before we had even met him!
The day we went
to pick him up we were a bit nervous. What if he didn't like us?
What if he cried nonstop? What if he did go after the cat?
All that was cast away as soon as we met him. He was so excited to
meet us and jumped right in the car. He never whined, never cried.
He just gave Jillian hell in the back seat because he wanted to smell
every inch of the car! We got him home and immediately went into a 2 Week
Shutdown (recommended and explained by Shana of course!). I cannot begin
to explain how grateful we are that we did this. I now tell EVERY new dog
owner I know that it is the best thing they can do for themselves and their

We've had Capo
for about 2 months now and he's changed our lives so much. I've become a
much more patient person since Capo does not respond to a loud voice in a
submissive way...he actually gets more excited! If I yell "No!!" his
tail starts wagging & he thinks its play time!! So we've learned that
discipline is a quiet process, not a loud one. We know every bite mark on
his head from whatever bad thing took his tooth out. We know every spot
on his wiggly butt. We know every bark ("Play with me!",
"Who's that!!", "Back off!"). The 2 Week Shutdown was
invaluable. We didn't hear him bark for 2 weeks! Now he definitely
let's us know when he's ready to play! He loves to fetch with tennis
balls & bumpers, and when he's tired, he let's us know by lying down &
have some grass as a snack. He wants so badly to be friends with
Jennifur, even though every time he tries to gently sniff her she smacks him in
the face. She runs off and he just watches her go with a look on his face
that says "Well maybe tomorrow then..." I can take every toy
& every treat/bowl of food away and he patiently waits for me to give it back.
And if I put his toy up, he simply waits as if to say "OK Daddy,
what next?"

Sometimes he
likes to jump up on the recliner with me or on the couch with Jillian and just
nap with us. Other times he likes to climb all over us and lick our ears
clean. At night he likes to lick my feet until I can't stop laughing.
We call that a "pit bull pedicure." He'll happily lie
down with a rawhide or romp around outside and roll in the grass. He's a
fantastic pet with all the energy, quirks, kisses, stubbornness and affection
one could expect from ANY dog. But he's OUR dog. And we are so
lucky to have him.
Honestly, when we
first adopted Capo, I would look at him & think "That's our PIT
BULL". Now I just think "That's our BIG GOOFY DOG".
I don't even see the breed anymore. With Capo being as shy as he
is, I'm continually amazed by the amount of patience & restraint he shows
in stressful situations. And thanks to the 2 Week Shutdown, he always
looks to US before reacting himself. We are continually learning his
motivation & fears. And he is continually teaching us how to be
better people.
So thank you
Carolina Care Bullies, thank you Shana, thank you Jenn and thank you Capo for enriching our lives in ways we never expected.
ReplyDeleteYAY for happy endings!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing Capo has... you as parents! Thank you for your love for Capo. I was a foster fail for our Louie. He is a ball of energy and I too, am thankful for CCB.