This is Reef! When I set out to choose a pet I did not have a “bully breed” in mind; however, I have since learned that the best things in life are often unexpected and unplanned. Reef came into my life a little over a year ago, and she has been a true blessing. She was a little timid at first but with food, play and lots of love, Reef has blossomed into a social butterfly. “Bully breeds” are often mistakenly known for their aggression; however, Reef did not live up to this negative expectation. Reef was weary of other dogs and she lacked socialization skills, but with training and time she has become a gentle giant. In closing, if you are in search of a pet that is loyal, loving and intelligent please consider adopting a bully breed.

From Reef’s former Foster Mom: When Sugar Bear came to me as a foster, she had just been dumped in a county shelter and was heartworm positive. She also seemed to be dog reactive and I was concerned about how she would react to my neighbor's charging Pomeranian (you know the type :)). But this girl was a complete sweetheart, proved my worries to be unfounded and proved Amanda to be correct with her assertion that her reactivity was probably due to fear and uncertainty and stressed the importance of the Two Week Shutdown (I’m a believer now). Just think about all the changes she had recently been through. The best part is that my next-door neighbor's family adopted her. So not only did she find a great forever home, I still get to see her. She’s now a healthy, cherished member of the family and actually enjoys the company of other dogs. As her former foster Mom, it does my heart good to see Reef in a loving home and I see her often, either when she is visiting Granny’s house next door or the numerous times I’ve seen her riding around town (she LOVES to ride). I see her big bully smile when I walk into my neighbor’s house if she’s visiting and I see her excited wagging when more visitors come into the house. She is just loving life now – and that’s what it’s all about! And that charging Pomeranian next door? They're buddies now.
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