October 5, 2010


The food you choose to feed your pets can have a significant impact on their quality of life. A good diet can take care of skin issues, allergies, increase longevity, strengthen immunity to disease, eliminate digestive disorders, and more. A bad diet causes countless health issues and even premature death.

So how do you select the quality food?

  • If it comes in a bag at your local grocery store, you probably shouldn't feed it to your pets. For the most part, the only food sold at a grocery store that is fit for your pet's consumption is the food that you eat (fresh meat, veggies, etc).
  • Read the labels. More information about labeling can be found in some of the links to the right.
  • Find a local pet food retailer that sells high-quality foods - the reputable ones won't even carry foods that contain harmful ingredients.
  • Educate yourself and choose wisely. Your pets depend on you.

Nutrition Links

Dog Food Analysis: Find your current food's rating

Get the Facts:  What is Really in Pet Food

Foods to Avoid

How to Read the Labels and Compare

Information on Raw Feeding:

Information on Grain-Free Foods

Homemade Cooked Diets

1 comment:

  1. Good nutrition can also affect behavior. My dogs were on a grain free diet for many years because so many of them has various allergies. Recently I switched to a prepared raw diet because of the allergies and I was quite surprised at the change in behavior of my pack. Except for one of them they all came down a few notches and are now much calmer than when on a diet of dry kibble. It's a really nice change!
