The amount of time, effort , resources, volunteers and organizations required to rescue and adopt out just one animal is quite extraordinary. CAAR (Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue) is just one of the many organizations the CCB works with on a daily basis.
Blog post by Carol Clay – Adopter and now CAAR volunteer/advocate:
Blog post by Carol Clay – Adopter and now CAAR volunteer/advocate:
About a year ago, I rescued a puppy from a busy road in the Brevard area. That's when I first learned about our county animal shelter and the abandoned and abused animal population here in Transylvania County.
Our shelter is an old, sad building with extremely limited space for all the dogs that wind up there. When a dog is brought to the shelter, there is a 5 day grace period to allow the owner to claim the animal. If the dog is not claimed, and the shelter fills up (which is practically every day), that dog can be euthanized for no other reason than a lack of space. Dogs that have been surrendered by their owners aren't that lucky. They do not get that 5 day grace period and can be put down at any time.
Every single day of the year dogs end up at the Transylvania County Animal Shelter and the scenario is played out again and again. While other counties in our area have recognized the need and created modern new shelters and facilities, our county has been stuck in neutral, despite a plan for a new shelter that was approved and funded.
That's why organizations like Charlie's Angels Animal Rescue are so important. Charlie's Angels is a non-profit organization whose only mission is to rescue dogs and cats from the shelter so the string of senseless deaths
is stopped....
...Meet Ace. His 5 day grace period was over and he was on the list to be killed. That was December of 2009. Ace is now a beloved member of our family and every time I look at his sweet face, I think about how close he came to being killed for only one reason - there just wasn't room for him at the shelter. What a tragic waste of a life that would have been. Read Full Text of Carol's Blog Post >